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Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation Council
Affiliated with the International Association of Universities

We appeal to the member universities of the International Association of Universities to nominate a representative to the Council in the membership of the General Council and the Council of Experts, with a maximum of two persons who have the necessary expertise in the field of quality assurance and accreditation in your university. Whereas the purpose of the Council is related to spreading the culture of quality by relying on international standards in quality for the purpose of enabling universities to continue to perform their mission and achieve their goals, and measuring the level of performance of universities to ensure the extent to which they meet the requirements of quality and accreditation in the field of educational and research services.

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The nature of the council:
Quality Assurance and Academic Accreditation Council (QAAAC) | is one of the subsidiary organizations of the International Association of Universities and seeks to spread the culture of quality by relying on international quality standards in order to enable universities to continue to perform their mission and achieve their goals, and to measure the level of performance of universities to ensure the extent to which they meet the requirements of quality assurance and international academic accreditation.

The Council presents the evaluation models for use in testing the quality of academic services and measuring and evaluating activities, and then approving them in accordance with the requirements of the approved regulations for quality assurance, and issues accredited certificates accordingly.

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